port of civitavecchia

Civitavecchia Restaurants, the top of civitavecchiese cuisine

Tasting the genuine flavors of the past, from the chowder to the “ biscuttine “

Tourist who stops in Civitavecchia can taste the exquisite cuisine of Civitavecchia in the best restaurants.

Port of Rome is rich in history, culture and gastronomy.

Port of Rome is rich in history, culture and gastronomy.

Civitavecchia, being on the sea, is well known especially for fish restaurants so that even Romans and people from all over the inland come and eat here.

But civitavecchiese cuisine is not only fish….it is more complex, due to her age-old tradition that has experienced and you can realize it only viewing the cards of the best Civitavecchia Restaurants published on portofrome.it and tasting them by yourself.

A triumph of flavors, an ecstasy for the palate like the chowder or the famous “ biscuttine “ (traditional Christmas biscuits so called in dialect) or drowned octopus, “ faciole co’ le’ cotiche “ (beans with pork rinds), delicious pizza civitavecchiese or the famous Pizza of Easter, or artichokes with marjoram and fettuccine alla papalina ( special pasta with fried meat and scrambled eggs with cream ).

The naturalness, the freshness the and best quality of the ingredients are the common denominator which makes of this health and complete dishes an explosion of old time flavors.

Port of Rome is a website in 5 languages but it’s translatable on the fly in over 80 languages, which is able to offer to more than 3 millions of cruise passengers and 30 millions of tourists all information about places of interest in Civitavecchia, Port of Rome, Capital and Lazio in addition to the best suggestions for enjoying your holiday at table.

The website is based on a representative sample of users and it consists of multiple sections with drop down menu which allow you to easily select as integration to the internal browser what you need by zone and type of information ( e,g. Civitavecchia Restaurants, Shopping District and so on) The selected sheet contains a textual description, one or more photos gallery, videos, contacts, email address and so on and Google Maps marker of position for the described location contextual to the identification of the exact point also for nearby activities.

Port of Rome is structured to provide a global information service, it is a website which allows the user to be informed and to choose the best of the excellence of small , medium and micro enterprises which are the business texture of our country.

Here we are with the top of restaurants, pizzeria, wine bars, ice and pastry shops. All artistic places of interest, shopping activities and useful information are available in pdf format guides free downloadable.

Contact us for further information or suggestions. You are always precious and welcome!

For receiving detailed information about tourist transport in Civitavecchia, Roma, Santa Marinella, Tarquinia, Cerveteri and Lazio Region click on "Civitavecchia Restaurants" .

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