The Year of Faith started last October 11. It has been called with the Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei by the Pope Benedict XVI. It began on October 11, 2012, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, and it will finish on November 24, 2013, Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King.
The proposal of the pilgrimage for the Year of Faith is developed in a path divided into 4 stages:
1 – Oratio Fidei: prayer and reflection on the theme of faith as preparation for the ways to be ran.
2 – Celabratio Fidei: the celebration of the Sacrament of Penance and the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
3 – Vita Secundum fidem: the meeting with the Saints, witnesses of faith and their spirituality.
4 – Professio Fidei: The Solemn Profession of Faith in the Basilica of St. Peter and listening to the word of the successor of Peter.
These stages are experienced at churches and basilicas selected for the history and tradition of Christian life which they embody.The proposed routes within the city are 7 and are located in different areas of Rome, but all converge in the fourth and final stage: the Basilica of St. Peter.
Each itinerary has been designed in a specific area to allow the pilgrims to make the journey on foot and deepen their knowledge of a particular area of the city of Rome.
Pilgrims who do request at the reception center in Via della Conciliazione 7, or at the point of reception managed by the ORP, will receive a special kit consisting of:
– A map of the city of Rome, with indication of the itineraries and the stages of Annus Fidei, indication of POP (Pelgrim’s Points of Hospitality) spread over the territory and other useful information;
– The booklet of prayers, to celebrate, in each stage, the different moments of prayer and meditation;
– A candle which will be left in one of the churches visited during the tour;
– The Pilgrim’s Credential, to mark (with a stamp and / or sticker) the passage in each of the 4 stages;
– The colored bracelet for identifying the “pilgrim of the Year of Faith” and for entering to the Basilica of St. Peter’s through special lanes dedicated;
– The Lace and Bag badge holder;
– The colored backpack with the logo Annus Fidei 2012-2013, to contain all the useful items and to take home; to relive and make known the memories and the emotions experienced.
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